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Flood\Canal: Command Line Interface Tools

The CLI tools could be used for automation of your environment.

You just need to open a console, cd into the folder, switch to the correct user and type php cli cache del all to clear all cache!


With arguments you control what will be executed.

The first argument is scope - this defines where the task is registered. The second argument is task - which task should be executed. And the last is something - the meaning of something varies from task to task, it is mostly a value.

There are 11 optional arguments - registered in the definition as options. Use them in a task to define a lot more arguments, if needed. Those optionals are the a tags: -a, -a0, -a1, -a2, -a3, -a4, -a5, -a6, -a7, -a8, -a9

The main language for the CLI API is based on this sentence:

in scope execute task with something


php ./cli cache del all

cache del all

in cache execute del with all, this deletes all caches


With options you could set additional information for the execution that should be done.

  • --debug, -d turns on error output
  • --silence, -s turns off runtime info output
  • --env, -e default dev the runtime environments name

CLI Recipes

Commands for managing Flood\Canal core components through the cli.

Cache Deletion

Delete any folder inside of $frontend->path_tmp or the whole folder.

Delete some folder, like template cache:

php cli cache del tpl

Delete whole cache folder:

php cli cache del '*'
php cli cache del all

# possible in windows, not unix:
php cli cache del *

User Management

Activate User Management

php cli user activate

Deactivate User + Delete Data

php cli user deactivate

Create User

php cli user create <name> -a 'pass'

Delete User

php cli user delete <name>

Update Password

php cli user updatePass <name> -a 'pass'

Verify / Authenticate Check

php cli user verify <name> -a 'pass'

User Exists

php cli user exist <name>

User Info

Get list of users:

php cli user get '*'

Get data of one user:

php cli user get <name>
php cli user get demo

User Token

Activate User Token

php cli user.token activate

Deactivate User Token + Delete Data

php cli user.token deactivate

New User Token

php cli user.token new <user-name> -a 'pass'

Verify / Check Authentication

php cli user.token verify <token> -a 'signature'

Token List & Info

php cli user.token list

Clean Token

Remove all Token that are not longer valid, e.g. too old.

php cli user.token clean


Check and create needed files for Article, Section, Block.

Create Article Files

Creates the meta and tree file which are not existing.

In default it will create files with empty arrays, use path to specify default values. The file is a json with indices meta and tree whichs content will be used for ArticleMeta and ArticleTree default files. path will be read relative to the working directory.

php cli content autocreate
php cli content autocreate <path>
php cli content autocreate 'file.json'

Example of file.json:

  "meta": {
    "_schema": "meta",
    "_tree": true,
    "date": {
      "create": "2017-12-13 12:00",
      "update": "2017-12-14 12:00"
    "author": [
    "head": {
      "title": "",
      "author": ""
    "meta": {
      "lang": "en",
      "description": ""
  "tree": {
    "<fragment>": [
        "type": "meta",
        "data": "head.title"
        "type": "block",
        "id": "intro",
        "data": {